📄️ Action Commands
CodeVista Predefined Actions User Guide
📄️ Autocompletion
CodeVista Autocompletion Feature User Guide
📄️ Autodoc
Using The Autodoc Feature
📄️ Autofix
Using The Autofix Feature
📄️ CodeVista Chat Feature User Guide
The chat feature is the primary way to interact with CodeVista and leverage its AI-powered coding assistance capabilities. Here's how you can use it effectively:
📄️ Code Context
1. Using the Code Context Feature
📄️ Web search
CodeVista Web Search User Guide
📄️ Inline Chat
CodeVista Inline Chat Feature User Guide
📄️ Multi-chat Conversation
With CodeVista's multi-chat conversation feature, youClick 'New conversation' at the top right corner of the chat window as shown in the image below to start a new conversation. can create separate chat boxes for different topics. You can easily view all your conversations in a list. CodeVista will automatically suggest a name for each conversation based on the latest messages. You can customize or delete conversations anytime.
📄️ Feedback system
CodeVista Feedback system feature guide